Tuesday, November 26, 2019

To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentie essays

To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentie essays To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? America's Foreign Policy in the late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century can be studied in two lights. During this time period, there were many contrasts with US expansionism: a continuation of past U.S. expansionisms and a departure. Expansionism during the turn of the century was largely a continuation of the United States' previous foreign policies, but it was more of a departure. America's hunger for land and power led it to depart from its original foreign policies and expand worldwide, such as large parts of Asia and the Caribbean. Although the continuation of the United States' expansionism was limited, they continued to stay true to the Monroe Doctrine and the belief that they were "... [the] race of unequalled energy, with all the majesty of numbers and the might of wealth..." (Doc. B) In President Theodore Roosevelt's Annual Message to Congress on December 6, 1904, he stated that the United States does not actually hunger for any land or power, but instead it was their responsibility to interfere with any country plagued with "chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society," such as Cuba. The unresolved Cuban Revolution revealed how poor the situation was in Cuba and Presidents McKinley and later Roosevelt decided used the theory of "the white man's burden" and "the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine" to reluctantly exercise their international police power. (Doc. F) America has also always been very interested in its own economy and making sure that no European countries such as Germany and Britain could dominate their economy. Its interference with Cuba, the Philippines, and China was not only purely out of good nature. America was losing ma...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Qué es el Servicio militar selectivo en EE.UU.

Quà © es el Servicio militar selectivo en EE.UU. En EE.UU. ciudadanos, residentes, asilados, refugiados e incluso los migrantes indocumentados varones estn obligados a registrarse para el Sistema de Servicio Selectivo. Servicio Selectivo en EE.UU. En EE.UU. no existe el servicio militar obligatorio pero sà ­ el Servicio Selectivo.Los varones entre 18 y 25 aà ±os de edad deben registrarseLa obligacià ³n tambià ©n aplica a los migrantes indocumentados.  ¿Quà © es el Servicio Selectivo en EE.UU.? El Servicio Selectivo es la obligacià ³n de registrarse en una lista que manejar una agencia federal conocida como SSS. Aunque el servicio militar obligatorio se eliminà ³ en 1973 y desde entonces el Ejà ©rcito est formado por tropas profesionales y es voluntario. Sin embargo, podrà ­a establecerse de nuevo el servicio militar obligatorio en una situacià ³n de emergencia nacional. El objetivo del Servicio Selectivo es que si el gobierno lo necesitase, podrà ­a establecer en base a ese listado quià ©nes tendrà ­an que prestar un servicio militar obligatorio. En este caso serà ­an llamados a filas los varones registrados en el Servicio Selectivo segà ºn su fecha de nacimiento y mediante un sistema de sorteo, siguiendo las directrices establecidas en la ley.  ¿Quià ©nes estn obligados a registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? En EE.UU. deben registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo todos los varones entre los 18 y los 25 aà ±os de edad que se encuentren en alguna de las categorà ­as siguientes: Ciudadanos estadounidenses Todos los nacidos con posterioridad al 31 de diciembre de 1959. Esta obligacià ³n afecta tambià ©n a las personas con doble nacionalidad e, incluso, a los ciudadanos que residen habitualmente en otro paà ­s. Residentes permanentes legales Esta obligacià ³n aplica incluso cuando han pedido permiso para pasar una temporada fuera de los Estados Unidos. Otros migrantes Refugiados, asilados, parolees, trabajadores agrà ­colas especiales de temporada I-688 y migrantes  indocumentados Esta obligacià ³n existe aunque el varà ³n està © incapacitado parcialmente tanto fà ­sica como mentalmente siempre y cuando pueda funcionar en pà ºblico. Los migrantes que solicitan ajuste de estatus o una visa de inmigrante sern inscritos automticamente, si cumplen los requisitos.  ¿Quià ©nes NO estn obligados a registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? En primer lugar, las mujeres de cualquier edad y los varones mayores de 26 aà ±os. Adems, tampoco deben registrarse los  turistas con un I-94 sin expirar, diplomticos y sus familias, estudiantes extranjeros y trabajadores temporales y dems extranjeros con visas vlidas y que estn cumpliendo los requisitos de sus respectivos programas, como la H-1, L-1, F-1, J-1, etc. Hay que tener en cuenta que cualquier visitante con visa no inmigrante como las seà ±aladas en el artà ­culo anterior se queda en Estados Unidos por ms de 30 dà ­as en situacià ³n ilegal tiene la obligacià ³n de registrarse. Tampoco estn obligados los ciudadanos y los migrantes que prestan servicio activo en una de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito o en la Guardia Nacional o estn en una de sus academias o en programas de oficiales en instituciones como The Citadel, Virginia Military Institute, etc. Finalmente, tampoco estn obligados a registrarse los enfermos fà ­sicos o mentales que estn internados en una residencia, hospital o institucià ³n, los encarcelados, hasta que salen de prisià ³n y los agricultores temporales I-688A.  ¿Cundo y cà ³mo registrarse para el Servicio Selectivo? En los 30 dà ­as siguientes a cumplir los 18 aà ±os o al momento en que nace la obligacià ³n. Por ejemplo, un residente permanente que entra por primera vez al paà ­s con 23 aà ±os, pues tiene 30 dà ­as a partir de ese momento. Se puede hacer la registracià ³n: Por internet en la pgina oficial de SSS.govEn una oficina de CorreosMarcando la casilla oportuna al rellenar el formulario de FAFSAEn la High School en la que se estudiaLos ciudadanos en el extranjero puede registrarse por internet o solicitar asistencia en una oficina consular. Tambià ©n puede rellenarse la inscripcià ³n en papel y enviarla a: Selective Service SystemP.O. Box 94739Palatine, IL 60094-4739  ¿Cà ³mo verificar que se est inscrito en el Servicio Selectivo? Puede checarse en la pgina de internet https://www.sss.gov. Hacer click en Check Registration e introducir los datos personales.  ¿Cules son las consecuencias de no registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? Prohibicià ³n de acceder a determinados trabajos federalesPà ©rdida de beneficios federalesNo se califica para becas del gobierno federalPuede ser causa para que se rechace una peticià ³n para hacerse ciudadano americano por naturalizacià ³nEn algunos estados supone la imposibilidad de obtener la licencia de manejar En casos extraordinarios, los muchachos que no se inscriben podrà ­an recibir una multa por un mximo de $250.000 y ser castigados a un mximo de cinco aà ±os en prisià ³n. Se calcula que el 92 por ciento de los varones entre las edades de 18 y 25 aà ±os sà ­ que se registran para el Servicio Selectivo. Consejos prcticos sobre cà ³mo manejar el Servicio Selectivo Entre uno y tres meses despuà ©s de la registracià ³n se recibir una tarjeta que sirve de prueba de haber cumplido con esta obligacià ³n. Si no se recibe puede marcarse al 1-847-688-6888 para solicitar informacià ³n. Cabe destacar que si se produce algà ºn cambio en relacià ³n a la informacià ³n brindada, como por ejemplo un cambio de nombre o de domicilio, hay la obligacià ³n de reportarlo en los diez dà ­as siguientes a que se produzca. Puede hacerse marcando al telà ©fono seà ±alado en el prrafo anterior, en internet en la pgina del SSS  o en una oficina de Correos. Informacià ³n interesante sobre migrantes y Ejà ©rcito Como regla general, los  indocumentados no pueden alistarse  en el Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos, en ninguna de sus ramas. Para todos los latinos que sà ­ pueden alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito y desean explorar esta opcià ³n como carrera, es conveniente tener en cuenta e informarse sobre los beneficios y los posibles incentivos que conlleva ingresar a cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

WEEK 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WEEK 7 - Assignment Example For this section, the topic of discussion is conjunctivitis, in particular, bacterial conjunctivitis. Bacterial conjunctivitis is common in children (Dolan & Holt, 2013). Any further history questions include: A positive or negative retort given by the patient will give a proper diagnosis of the medical condition. This is by attaining the exact information in determining the diagnosis, thereby an exact diagnosis. A negative response will refute the differential diagnosis. Thus, intensive patient history will be done so as to get the right diagnosis. The signs presented by the 10-year-old that support the diagnosis of bacterial conjunctivitis. This is by the symptoms exhibited- pink eye, crusted right eye with lashes held together. In addition, the patient complained of a sensation of grit in the eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis is presented by acute redness, discharge and burning. The discharge appears in the morning and is variable (Yanoff & Duker, 2008). The patient also has challenges in opening the eye because of the glue effect of the discharge. Moreover, the patient presents with an earache that persists night, which suggest otitis externa. Signs of right ear tenderness over tragus, copious creamy yellow exudates in the canal, and the canal narrowed are seen; which are linked to the disease (Buttaro, 2013). Additionally, the patient complains of a sore throat is a strong indication of streptococcal pharyngitis. The patient exhibits signs of loss of appetite for solid foods, which is a strong indication of this condition. Als o, there is evidence of tonsils enlarged with purulent exudates bilaterally and uvula midline (Nair & Peate, 2015). Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The infecting organism in bacterial conjunctivitis is received through contact with an infected person and transported to the eye through fingertips. The common causative agents include Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza and Streptococcus pneumonia.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

World Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

World Politics - Essay Example The developing nations have to adopt policies that conform to the standards required by superpowers. However, evidence shows that terrorism is one of the latest factors to have influenced the formulation of foreign policies. Terrorism doesn’t make a distinction between a superpower and a developing nation. For this reason, nations have come together to fight the common enemy. Although it has been the hardest task, most nations have proved to be resilient in the fight and have vowed to bring to justice, those suspected to be terrorists and their sympathizers. Nation’s foreign policies are major components in world politics (Duncan, Jancar-Webster & Switky, 2009). A nation’s foreign policy determines how it relates with other nations (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2014). Most foreign policies consist of a number of strategies chosen by a nation with regard to its interests. These policies help in the maintenance of relations with other nations and the achievement of a nation’s goals. The interaction is moderated in order to gain maximum benefits on international cooperation. The governments incorporate high level decision bodies to help them make the soundest decisions. According to Duncan, Jancar-Webster and Switky, â€Å"foreign policy is put into play by the world’s states, but other players, such as Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)†¦.may also make decisions that affect the foreign policy of states† (2009, p. 131). Foreign policies were introduce d during the world wars. Most nations took the step in order to improve the relations between them and prevent potential wars. There are various factors that influence the foreign relations of a nation; these factors determine how a nation will treat the other and ensure that it conducts itself in such a way that it remains relevant to other nations as well as its citizens. Terrorism: The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ford Motor Company Essay Example for Free

Ford Motor Company Essay Strengths Ford Motor Company is a Multi international Company with 90 plant and facilities selling vehicles in 200 markets. It is the second biggest plant in the world, with approximately 345,000 employees The Ford Motor Company is the Fifth largest vehicle manufacturer in the world and the second in the U.S. with a total (Sales 2010) of 4,988,031 vehicles manufactured including Cars, land craft vehicles (LCV), Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV) and Heavy Buses. Ford Motor merges with Hertz Rent-A-Car, the worlds leading vehicle renting organization, operates from approximately 8,100 locations in 143 countries worldwide. Ford Motor Company is in ten place in 2011 Fortune 500 list (Us), with Revenues of (Millions) 128,954.0 and Profits of (Millions) 6,561.0 and in the 2011 Global 500 list, Ford Motors in twenty fifth place. †¢ Ford is a Household name brand †¢ Has physical presence in all major continents †¢ Ford motor credit company helps finance, lease and sell insurance customers †¢14,400 international patents, copyrights and trademarks †¢2nd highest market share in truck sales †¢Sponsor special-rate financing programs available only through Ford Credit Programs increase Ford Credits financing volume and share of financing sales of their vehicles Weaknesses Ford Motors doesn’t have a fuel efficient stander pickup or cargo van, compared to Chevrolet Silverado (Pickup) that gives 20mpg in city and 23mpg in highway and the Chevrolet Express (Van) that gives a 15mpg in city and 20mpg in highway. †¢ Durable good- in rough economical times it is not necessary to replace †¢ If consumers continue to demand vehicles that are relatively large, have high performance, and/or are feature-laden, while regulatory standards require the production of vehicles that are smaller and more economical, the mismatch of supply and demand would have a negative  effect on profitability †¢ Market share has declined in many regions of the world over the last year. Overall market share in the United States, including PAG-brand vehicles, has declined in each of the past five years, from 20.5% in 2003 to 15.6% in 2007 †¢Stock shares have declined, resulting with volume reductions have had an adverse impact on our results of operations Ford Motor warned its European operations may lose $500 million to $600 million this year. Opportunities Innovation technologies, Sync with My ford touch is a combine technology, that help and assists drivers for a more comfortable drive experience. The Sync technology consist in integrating Bluetooth- enable cell phones and Mp3 players in to the car, providing hand free call and music selection capabilities using voice activate commands. My ford touch replaces many traditional buttons with clear, colorful and user friendly LCD screens. †¢ Block Exemption Regulation (Europe) Makes it easier for a dealer to display and sell multiple brands in one store (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury) without the need to maintain separate facilities †¢Increasing presence in China, with more investment in manufacturing capacity, introduction of new products and expansion of distribution channel †¢Opened a second assembly plant and new engine plant located in Nanjing, China Initial capacity of the plant was approximately 160,000 units annually, boosting total annual passenger car production capacity in China to more than 410,000 vehicles Operates a purchasing office in China to procure components for operations outside of China Threats †¢ Decline in overall market share due to Including increased competition Industry shift away from traditionally stronger segments (e.g., traditional SUVs and full-size pickups) Reduced vehicle sales to daily rental companies †¢Decrease in commercial fleet sales reflected lower industry volume †¢Japanese and Korean manufacturers are increasing their production capacity in Europe Strength †¢ Ford Motor Company is a Multi international Company with 90 plant and facilities selling vehicles in 200 markets. It is the second biggest plant in the world, with approximately 345,000 employees. (http://www.freeonlineresearchpapers.com/ford-diversity-commitment) , (http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=7670) †¢ The Ford Motor Company is the Fifth largest vehicle manufacturer in the world and the second in the U.S. with a total (Sales 2010) of 4,988,031 vehicles manufactured including Cars, land craft vehicles (LCV), Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV) and Heavy Buses. (Oica.net, 2011) (http://oica.net/wp-content/uploads/ranking-2010.pdf) †¢ Ford Motor diversity in Ford Credit is a subsidiary of The Ford Motor Company that finance vehicles to customer and dealers to support Ford Motor Company sales. They also provide financing on Lincoln vehicles, offering: competitive rates, innovative products, flexible terms (http://www.fordcredit.com/companyInfo/prof ile.jhtml) †¢ Ford Motor merges with Hertz Rent-A-Car, the worlds leading vehicle renting organization, operates from approximately 8,100 locations in 143 countries worldwide. †¢ Ford Motor Company is in ten place in 2011 Fortune 500 list (Us), with Revenues of (Millions) 128,954.0 and Profits of (Millions) 6,561.0 (http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2011/full_list/index.html) and in the 2011 Global 500 list, Ford Motors in twenty fifth place. (http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2011/full_list/index.html) Weakness †¢ Ford Explores rollover and firestone tires recalls controversy announced on August, 2000, approximately 14.4 million tires contain a safety-related defect. Harmed Ford brand image. (http://www.nhtsa.gov/PR/FirestoneRecall) †¢ Ford Motors doesn’t have a fuel efficient stander pickup or cargo van, compared to Chevrolet Silverado (Pickup) that gives 20mpg in city and 23mpg in highway and the Chevrolet Express (Van) that gives a 15mpg in city and 20mpg in highway. (http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/bestworstepatrucks.htm) †¢ Ford Motors only has seven subsidiaries, Lincoln, mercury, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin. Opportunities †¢ Fuel efficient cars, Ford Motor Company is launching the most fuel-efficient cars in the market. The All-new 2012 Ford Focus will be powered by a fuel-efficient 2.0-liter DOHC four-cylinder engine with twin independent variable camshaft timing (Ti-VCT) and direct gasoline injection that will deliver up to a projected 40 mpg highway. The combinations of these technologies helps to lower gas emission but, still have horse power. For a 4 cylinder 2.0 liter engines it is rated at 160 horse power and 146lbs of torque. (http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=33438) †¢ Big donator to charity and victims of natural disasters. October 27, 2000 Ford Motor Company will donate $1.4 million to the San Diego Environmental Foundation (SDEF) for the preservation, protection and enhancement of the San Eliot Lagoon Ecological Reserve, which is one of San Diegos and Southern Californias most precious and unique natural resources. (http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?ar ticle_id=6425) †¢ Innovation technologies, Sync with My ford touch is a combine technology, that help and assists drivers for a more comfortable drive experience. The Sync technology consist in integrating Bluetooth- enable cell phones and Mp3 players in to the car, providing hand free call and music selection capabilities using voice activate commands. My ford touch replaces many traditional buttons with clear, colorful and user friendly LCD screens. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Driving Technology, Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) gives out three warnings when a vehicle not visible or enters ones blinds spot. The signals consists in a Yellow light appears in the corresponding side view mirror, an audio alert and a message warning displayed.  (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Rear view camera and Forward Sensing System, helps drives to see on screen when parking in reverse. The Forward Sensing System helps to determine how close are the objects form the vehicle. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Electric Power-Assisted Steering (EPAS). This technology consists in adapting to the road conditions and help drivers to compensate directional shifts caused by crowned roads surface or steady crosswinds. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Active Park Assistants uses ultrasonic based sensing system and EPAS for parallel parking. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Rain-Sensing Wipes has a optical sensor that auto adjust to the climate conditions. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) Power train and convenience †¢ Adaptive cruise control allows the vehicle to set and mating speed without using the pedals. It also has a radar- based system thats can monitor the vehicle in front up to 600 feet. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Easy fuel or cap less system helps drives when filling the car with gasoline a hassle-free, odor free, and have a more consistent seal compared to traditional manual cap.( http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Eco-Boost gains of up to 20 percent and reduction of CO2 emissions by as much as 15 percent compared with larger, less efficient engines. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) †¢ Dual-clutch Power Shift six-speed transmission combines the responsive performance and fuel economy of a manual gearbox with the convenience of a traditional automatic transmission. (http://media.ford.com/images/10031/Drive_Smart_HR.pdf) Threats †¢ Government regulations. Do to the pollution and the Global warming caused by the Co2, car manufactures are trying to develop fuel efficient cars. In Jul 29,2011 Major car developers and manufactures joined President  Obama to discusses the further in fuel economy and proposed a new Fuel-efficiency standers. Today’s stander is 27.3mpg by 2025 the stander should be at 54.5 mpg. Its estimated that this new â€Å"stander† will save a average of $8,000 on fuel bill per vehicle, and will reduce U.S. oil consumption by 2.2 billion barrels per day. (http://news.consumerreports.org/cars/2011/07/government-raises-fuel-economy-standards-to-545-mpg-by-2025.html) †¢ Change of oil price, is one of the most volatile components oil, is very heretical as it prices increases and decreases. Consumer are more aware that fuel efficient vehicle can guarantee more performance for their money. In 26-07-2011 oil crude open at $99.0 an close$99.6 (http://www.livecharts.co.uk/futures_commodities/oil_prices_historical.php) †¢ Increase of raw materials. This effects the manufacturing of the automobile if the steel components raises then the car will have to be a lot more expensive. According to the World Carbon Steel Transaction Prices in Mar,2011 medium steel sections were $719/Ton in April,2011 it was 926/Ton. (http://www.steelonthenet.com/price_info.html) †¢ Recession is another factor that Ford Motor Company has to battle. As the economy declines in activity, more people are not investing or spending their incomes in new vehicles. It is estimate that the US unemployment rates is at 13.9 million persons a (9.1 percent) http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Embryonic Stem Cell Research :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Americans are asked by the media to support embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) that uses human embryos. Many Americans favor ESCR because of the potential for benefiting people in need, people racked by disease. This essay goes beyond the emotional issues surrounding ESCR and informs the reader of the scientific background so that he is capable of making a well-informed decision about ESCR. Â   In August of last year, President Bush approved the use of federal funds to support research on a limited number of existing human embryonic stem cell lines (Bush). The decision met with notably mixed reactions. Proponents of embryonic stem cell research argue that restricting federal funding to a limited number of cell lines will hamper the progress of science, while those opposed insist that any use of cells derived from human embryos constitutes a significant breach of moral principles. It is clear that pressure to expand the limits established by the President will continue. It is equally clear that the ethical positions of those opposed to this research are unlikely to change. Â   Regrettably, much of the debate on this issue has taken place on emotional grounds, pitting the hope of curing heartrending medical conditions against the deeply held moral convictions of many Americans. Such arguments frequently ignore or mischaracterize the scientific facts. To arrive at an informed opinion on human embryonic stem cell research, it is important to have a clear understanding of precisely what embryonic stem cells are, whether embryonic stem cells are likely to be useful for medical treatments, and whether there are viable alternatives to the use of embryonic stem cells in scientific research. Â   Embryonic development is one of the most fascinating of all biological processes. A newly fertilized egg faces the daunting challenge of not only generating all of the tissues of the mature animal but organizing them into a functionally integrated whole. Generating a wide range of adult cell types is not an ability unique to embryos. Certain types of tumors called teratomas are extraordinarily adept at generating adult tissues, but unlike embryos, they do so without the benefit of an organizing principle or blueprint. Such tumors rapidly produce skin, bone, muscle, and even hair and teeth, all massed together in a chaotic lump of tissue. Many of the signals required to induce formation of specialized adult cells must be present in these tumors, but unlike embryos, tumors generate adult cell types in a hopelessly undirected manner.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Literature: Spanish Language Essay

Philippine literature is the literature associated with the Philippines and includes the legends of prehistory, and the colonial legacy of the Philippines. Most of the notable literature of the Philippines was written during the Spanish period and the first half of the 20th century in Spanish language. Philippine literature is written inSpanish, English, Tagalog, and/or other native Philippine languages. ————————————————- Classical literature in Spanish (19th Century) On December 1, 1846, La Esperanza, the first daily newspaper, was published in the country. Other early newspapers were La Estrella (1847), Diario de Manila (1848) and Boletin Oficial de Filipinas (1852). The first provincial newspaper was El Eco de Vigan (1884), which was issued in Ilocos. In Cebu City â€Å"El Boletà ­n de Cebà ºÃ¢â‚¬  (The Bulletin of Cebu), was published in 1890. On 1863, the Spanish government introduced a system of free public education that had an important effect on the ability of the population to read in Spanish and further in the rise of an educated class called the Ilustrado (meaning, well-informed). Spanish became the social language of urban places and the true lingua franca of the archipelago. A good number of Spanish newspapers were published until the end of the 1940s, the most influential of them being El Renacimiento, printed in Manila by members of the Guerrero de Ermita family. Some members of the ilustrado group, while residing or studying in Spain, decided to start a literary production in Spanish with the aim of serving the autonomy and/or independence projects. Members of this group included Pedro Alejandro Paterno, who wrote the novel Nà ­nay (first novel written by a Filipino); the Philippine national hero, Josà © Rizal, who wrote excellent poetry and two famous novels in Spanish: Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not), and El Filibusterismo. A potent tool in promoting Filipino nationalism in Spanish was the foundation of La Solidaridad (more fondly called La Sol by the members of the propaganda  movement) in 15 February 1885. With the help of this organ, Filipino national heroes like Josà © Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Marcelo H. del Pilar, etc. were able to voice out their sentiments. Poetry and metrical romances * Ladino Poems – Were natives of first Tagalog versifiers who saw print: highly literate in both Spanish and the vernacular. * Corridos – Were widely read during the Spanish period that filled the populace’s need for entertainment as well as edifying reading matter in their leisure moments. * Awit – like corridos, these were also widely read during the Spanish period as entertaining, edifying, reading manner in their leisure time. It is also a fabrication of the writers imagination although the characters and the setting may be European. The structure is rendered dodecasyllabic quatrains. Prose The prose works of the Spanish Period consisted mostly of didatic pieces and translations of religious writings in foreign languages. [edit]Dramas [edit]Religious drama * The Panunuluyan– Literally, seeking entrance, the Tagalog version of the Mexican Las Posadas. Held on the eve of Christmas, it dramatizes Joseph’s and Mary’s search for Bethlehem. * Cenaculo – Was the dramatization of the passion and death of Jesus Christ. * Salubong – An Easter play that dramatizes the meeting of the Risen Christ and His Mother. * Moriones – Refers to the participants dressed roman soldiers, their identities hidden behind colorful, sometimes grotesque, wooden masks. * The Santacruzan – Performed during the month of May which have the devotion for the Holy Cross. It depicts St. Elena’s search for the cross on which Christ died. * Pangangaluwa – An interesting socio-religious practice on All Saint’s Day which literally means for The Soul. Secular dramas These were generally held during the nine nights of vigil and prayers after someone’s death, on the first death anniversary when the family members put away their mourning clothes. * The Karagatan – comes from the legendary  practice of testing the mettle of young men vying for a maiden’s hand. The maiden’s ring would be dropped into sea and whoever retrieves it would have the girl’s hand in marriage. * The Duplo – A forerunner of the balagtasan. The performances consist of two teams; One composed of young women called Dupleras or Belyakas; and the other, of young men called Dupleros orBelyakos. * The Comedia – It is about a courtly love between, a prince and a princess of different religions. It is about a Christian-Muslim relationship. * ————————————————- Modern literature (20th and 21st century) The greatest portion of Spanish literature was written during the American period, most often as an expression of pro-Hispanic nationalism, by those who had been educated in Spanish or had lived in the Spanish-speaking society of the big cities, and whose principles entered in conflict with the American cultural trends. Such period of Spanish literary production—i.e., between the independence of Spain in 1898 and well ahead into the decade of the 1940s—is known as Edad de Oro del Castellano en Filipinas. Some prominent writers of this era were Wenceslao Retana and Claro Mayo Recto, both in drama and essay; Antonio M. Abad and Guillermo Gomez Wyndham, in the narrative; Fernando Marà ­a Guerrero and Manuel Bernabà ©, both in poetry. The predominant literary style was the so-called â€Å"Modernismo†, a mixture of elements from the French Parnassien and Symboliste schools, as promoted by some Latin American and Peninsular Spanish writers (e.g. the Nicaraguan Rubà ©n Darà ­o, the Mexican Amado Nervo, the Spaniard Francisco Villaespesa, and the Peruvian Josà © Santos Chocano as major models).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Impact of Personal and Organisational Variables

The impact of personal and organisational variables on the leadership styles of managers Summary This study has attempted to collect and analyse data on a number of personal as well as organisational variables that are considered as potentially useful in explaining the leadership styles of managers. Such data include the gender, age, length of service in present organisation, length of service in an organisation, hierarchy, size and type of organisation, whether a manufacturing or a financial services entity, for example.The objective of the study is to examine the impact of these variables, if any, on the leadership style practices of managers. In the modern management of human resources it is useful to investigate whether, for example, there is less use of directive form of leadership in preference to consultative, participative and delegative leadership practices. If so, such practices will be in line with the expected liberalisation in today’s world as different from yeste rday’s more authoritarian styles of organisational management.It would be useful to know what personal characteristics, such as age, have on leadership practices which is supposedly based on some suggested principles. For example, how do older and younger top-level and lower-level organisational leaders differ in their leadership activities? Knowledge of the answers to these and similar questions can be used to improve the management of human resources. Respondents to this study identified a number of personal variables during the data collection phase.This included their age, gender, and length of service either in the present organisation or in all organisations in which they have worked. Although a number of variables were thus involved and consequently used in the exploratory data analysis, some of them, like gender and length of service, were not significant, on their own, in the analysis. However, age shows up most significantly in their effects on the leadership styles of the managers. On leadership styles and behaviour, ompared with older workers, the researchers found that younger workers feel more comfortable in fast changing environments and are more willing to take risks and consider new approaches. They also operate with more energy and intensity, and have a greater capacity to energise others. In addition, they are more likely to seek out opportunities to take charge and push vigorously and competitively to achieve a high level of results. When compared to older workers, younger workers also tend to work to develop and promote themselves.Similarly, on leadership styles and behaviour, compared with younger workers, the researchers found that older workers study problems in light of past practices in order to ensure predictability, and minimise risk. They tend to maintain a calmer and more understated (though not detached) demeanour. Older workers tend to maintain an in-depth knowledge of their field and use this knowledge to approach proble ms. They cooperate and delegate more, in addition to showing a greater degree of empathy and concern for other workers. Contrary to the practices of younger workers, the authors suggest that older workers work to develop and promote others.Respondents were asked to indicate their overall satisfaction levels with their boss’s leadership styles. Given the hierarchical nature of most organisations, subordinates rated bosses who, in turn, rated their own bosses and so on so that a full picture of the situation with this consideration was obtained. A further examination of the data suggests that managers at higher organisational hierarchy, obviously, tend to use some but not all of the four leadership styles – directive, consultative, participative and delegative.The impression seems to be that before they get to the higher organisational position they would have tried each of the leadership style dimensions and decided to concentrate on only one, two or three of them but n ot all four leadership styles. Experience would have assisted them in selecting and concentrating on the style or styles of leadership that they considered most appropriate during the performance of each of their organisational activities.A corollary of this finding is that lower level managers tend to use significantly more of the overall leadership styles in comparison with the higher-level managers. This finding is as expected since lower-level managers need time and experience to decide which of the styles would work best for them in different situations. Thus in their learning processes, they might decide to use each and all of the leadership styles during their learning period. This study set out to examine the leadership styles of managers from the perspectives of their ages and the levels they occupy in their organisational hierarchies.Using survey data from over 400 UK employees and managers, the authors found that managers at higher organisational hierarchies tend to use l ess of the overall leadership style in preference to one or the other of the directive, consultative, participative or delegative leadership styles. It was felt that their experiences enable them to more easily select an appropriate style of leadership in performing their organisational activities rather than relying on a composite leadership style. However, it was also found that older managers tend to use less of the individual leadership styles in preference to the overall leadership style.This situation leaves us with the conclusion that the higher level managers in our study may not be the oldest ones and that, today, younger managers are rising to the top positions in organisational management. One reason for this, of course, is the increasing use of technology in managerial duties and that younger managers tend to be more adept at this than their older colleagues. One of the implications of our finding is that organisations today must increasingly recognise the complementary roles and skills of younger and older employees in achieving their goals. Age does not necessarily have to be an asset or a barrier.THE DOWNSIDE OF SELF-MANAGEMENT: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF CONFLICT ON TRUST, AUTONOMY, AND TASK INTERDEPENDENCE IN SELF-MANAGING TEAMS Summary Over the past few decades, interest in self-managing teams has increased, particularly interest in understanding their design, structure, and performance. Little is known about how self-managing teams design and adapt themselves, and how these actions affect performance. A recent review of teams in organizations that specifically discussed adaptation did not reference any research exploring structural change as an adaptive mechanism.The author illustrated an example of teams with high trust suffering performance losses when they adopted a design with high individual autonomy. Thus, selfmanaging teams’ ability to choose and adapt their structures has important implications for their performanc e. In general, flexibility and adaptability are beneficial and are often what allow teams to avoid trouble and manage problems successfully. However, the author suggest this flexibility can sometimes be a liability, specifically when a self-managing team unintentionally adopts a potentially dysfunctional design.The authors focus is on how task and relationship conflict in self-managing teams can cause them to restructure themselves in response. The author defines task conflict here as disagreement among group members about decisions, viewpoints, ideas, and opinions and as potentially including controversy over the best way to achieve a group goal or objective. In the context of self-managing teams, the issue of structure and process becomes more complex than it is for â€Å"traditional† work teams.Normally, structural, or design, variables are considered exogenous inputs in a classic input-process-output (IPO) model, but in the case of self-managing teams they can clearly be outputs as well. This characteristic raises two thorny issues, one conceptual and one methodological. First, it suggests that the study of self-managing teams should address not just the immediate effect of structure on outcomes such as performance, but also the effects on structure itself of various processes, such as conflict, and the effects of emergent states like trust.Conflict has long been known to have the potential to harm group processes, such as coordination and cooperation, as well as performance outcomes, such as goal accomplishment, and much is known about the causes and effects of conflict in teams. Although the benefits of sharing divergent viewpoints and discussion are clear, especially in terms of team decision-making quality, the overall effect of both task and relationship conflict on performance appears to be negative. Despite voluminous research, the effects of onflict on team structure have remained largely unexplored, representing a significant shortcoming in academic understanding of teams, particularly selfmanaging ones. The author believes that the links between conflict and structure may not only be direct, but also indirect—through intervening variables such as intrateam trust, which has been found to be important to self-managing team performance. Hypothesis 1. Higher conflict, whether task or relationship, is associated with lower trust.The author expects that the reductions in trust associated with increased conflict will in turn influence team structure, resulting in lowered autonomy and task interdependence. Autonomy and task interdependence both consistently stand out in the team design literature as the two primary structural factors of teams. Hypothesis 2. Lower trust is associated with lower levels of individual autonomy in a team. It is also likely that trust influences task interdependence. By a logic similar to that presented above, perceptions of risk may also lead team members to limit task interdependence and coordination requirements.Task interdependence is often considered the extent to which an individual’s task performance depends on the efforts and skills of others. Hypothesis 3. Lower trust is associated with lower levels of task interdependence in a team. In addition to the indirect effects discussed above, it is also possible for conflict to have direct effects on team structure. In terms of autonomy, such effects might result from a desire for revenge or retribution in response to task or relationship conflict; a team member might essentially withhold autonomy from another as a punitive act.Hypothesis 4. Higher conflict, whether task or relationship, is associated with lower levels of individual autonomy in a team. A direct effect of conflict on task interdependence is also possible, as team members may redesign their team to avoid interacting with one another. If relationship conflict is high, members can reduce task interdependencies to minimize their contact with team members they do not like, thus avoiding conflict. Hypothesis 5. Higher conflict, whether task or relationship, is associated with lower task interdependence.Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 thus suggest that trust serves as an indirect intervening variable by which trust is affected by conflict and, in turn, affects team structure. Hypothesis 6. Higher conflict, whether task or relationship, is associated with teams characterized by a combination of lower task interdependence and lower individual autonomy. Finally, it is worth noting that such a design— low interdependence combined with low autonomy—is potentially dysfunctional.Thus, moving slightly outside the main focus of the present study, the author would also expect to find such an interactive effect of autonomy and task interdependence on team performance. In other words, design changes that are either directly or indirectly associated with conflict in a self-managing team are likely to have dysfunctional effects on perfo rmance. The authors basic contention is that self-managing teams can be particularly susceptible to detrimental effects of conflict as a result of their ability to alter their own structures and designs.The results have largely supported that contention. He has shown that higher levels of conflict (especially relationship conflict) in teams are associated with lower task interdependence and individual autonomy, partly because of direct effects, and partly because of indirect effects of lower trust. He also demonstrated that high conflict in teams is associated with the combination of lower autonomy and interdependence, which is a potentially dysfunctional design for a self-managing team, with lower performance than other configurations. Leadership in the Service of Hospitality SummaryThe definition of leadership has changed considerably in the past one hundred years, beginning with the â€Å"great man† concept and, more recently, focusing on â€Å"transformational leadership . † The next step in leadership evolution is servant leadership, in which the leader seeks to support and empower followers. The implications are considerable for the hospitality industry, since it is based on the concept of leadership through service. Hospitality educators could take steps to instill servant leadership principles in students to equip them for this increasingly relevant leadership style.This paper looks back on half a century of publications, the changes it has recorded in leadership theory and practice illustrate the evolution of approaches to understanding the relationship between leaders and followers in hospitality organizations. In the current business climate, there is a greater need for leaders who can guide with integrity and courage instead of autocratic leaders. Therefore it seems logical to research several philosophies on employee care and environmental stewardship. These philosophies promote a culture of trust and respect.This emerging approach to leadership is examined in light of the pressing issues businesses are confronting as we move into the second decade of the twenty-first century—leaders whose motives are often questionable and a workforce that has become increasingly stressed, disillusioned, and disengaged. Early theories focused almost exclusively on personal characteristics of the leader and attempted to better understand the reason for his or her impact on organizational performance. In fact, one of the first perspectives was called the â€Å"great man† theory under the premise that leaders (at that time, almost exclusively male) were born, not made.During the 1950s and 1960s, behavioural theories emerged with increasing frequency. Theorists proposed that individuals could learn to be leaders through skill development and deliberate action. While the earliest theories focused on the leader’s characteristics and competencies in search of the key to greater effectiveness, thinking during the p ast twenty-five years has generally taken a broader view that considers both the dynamics created between the leader and his or her followers as well as the context and features of the particular environment.Servant leadership captures and reimagines elements from earlier thinking on the requirements of both the individual as leader and his or her relationship with followers. Servant leaders demonstrate the flexibility required for effectiveness in a culturally diverse workplace, incorporating the positive and appropriate aspects of other leadership models. Behaviors Associated with Servant Leaders 1. Listening intently to others combined with personal reflection on what is heard 2. Empathy: assuming the good intentions of colleagues 3. Awareness: understanding issues involving ethics and values . Persuasion, rather than relying on authority or coercion 5. Conceptualization: servant leaders dream great dreams and are also operationally skilled 6. Foresight: the ability to foresee th e likely outcome of a situation 7. Stewardship: holding institutions in trust for the greater good of society 8. Commitment to the personal and professional growth of all employees 9. Building community within the organization As definitions of customer service turn to customer care, servant leadership becomes increasingly relevant. Servant leaders appreciate, encourage, and care for their followers.Employees, inspired by the example their leader sets, in turn provide generous and genuine care to guests. When employees take personal responsibility for addressing each guest’s needs, when they serve out of a personal commitment to provide value and assistance, service becomes authentic and quality increases. This customization of service translates into high customer satisfaction and subsequent organizational effectiveness. When employees perceive their leader as trustworthy—when they keep their promises and act on espoused values—employee commitment, effort, and efficiency increase.While both servant and transformational leaders seek to empower employees, servant leadership adds an ethical emphasis beyond what is generally found in transformational leadership theory. Arguments have been posed that transformational leaders, highly motivated to accomplish their organizational goals, may be tempted to use their charisma and misrepresent aspects of the situation to their followers. The path to servant leadership is not always direct, and students must be encouraged to cultivate a long-term view of the journey.Educators can help each student to see the value in doing what is right, even if it is not immediately recognized or rewarded. While focus is on facilitating these outcomes in student learners, faculty may find that modelling servant leader attitudes and practices can help them to facilitate personal responsibility and high standards of ethical behaviour. When faculty demonstrate empowerment and build trust, they can raise students’ expectations regarding the requirements of their future hospitality leadership role. Job-Related Barriers and Coping Behaviors n the Career Development of Hospitality Undergraduates Summary The main reason why this research is done is to understand the reason for the extremely high turnover in the hospitality industry. The purpose of most of the hospitality education programs is to prepare students for future management positions. However, many of these students drop out after 3-5 years. The first step of the survey, in the direction of solving the problem is to understand students' career planning. Studies from the student perspective are scarce, so this study will focus mainly on these students, hree main objectives guiding the study. 1. To explore and compare hospitality students' perception of work-related barriers 2. The relationships between the role of the barriers students investigate in their career decision processes. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of career counseling to improve and suggest directions for future studies focusing on barriers for hospitality students Job-related barriers are defined as â€Å"events or circumstances, either within the person or in his or her environment, which are part of a career progress difficult†.Several studies focus on further classification of these career difficulties. Factors, including race, age, education and background are examined during the years. In addition to the quantitative studies that have focused on the effects of barriers for student career development processes a few researchers found that qualitative methods have the advantage of improving the exploration of the students' perceived barriers. Nowadays hospitality researchers have developed a new and different approach to the career development of students in the hospitality industry.Acquiring useful skills is viewed helpful in promoting hospitality graduates compatibility with advances in the industry. Along with the before mentioned a pproach, the view and the perception of the students in the hospitality is considered more and more important. The lack of opportunities for growth was the main reason reported by alumni of hotel and restaurant programs for changing employers or leaving the industry. Unsuitable working hours and poor financial compensation be mentioned as another important reason for the change businesses, changing careers, or leave the industry altogether.Career decision-making self-efficacy (CdSe) refers to the degree of confidence people have in their expertise or ability to informational, educational and professional goal-planning activities to be carried out. In addition to these CdSe states that â€Å"the students' perceptions of barriers can be based on several considerations: chance barriers arise, the degree of disruptiveness as it occurs, and an individual is able to overcome barriers† . A total of 430 surveys were distributed to hospitality students at two universities through the stratified sampling method (program enrollment ratio: 7:3).School 1 is located in a small suburban university city with a population of 27,906 and a number of medium-sized cities in the area. School 2 is located in a medium sized city known for commercial and medical institutions with a population of 217,326 and the proximity of nearby small towns. Selection of these two samples, the investigator in order to determine whether location has significant influence on the selected variables. One of the outcomes of this research is what kind of factors are considered as the main barriers.The factors, difficulty finding a job because of a tight labor market and not knowing the â€Å"right people† to get a job came in first and second. The findings of this study suggest that students perceived barriers differently, because the same item are grouped into different factors within the subscales. Thus, the inability to move away from friends / family seen as affecting â€Å"getting a jo b they desire† (finding the job factor), but the move was also seen as their â€Å"performance on the job† to influence (performing the work factor).When both quantitative and quantitative measures were used to students' perceptions of career barriers to explore other results have emerged from these two reviews. When students had a choice to predetermined list of wide assessments given, they rated the tight labor market as the top concern, followed by lack of connection. The findings of this study showed that students often use problem-oriented methods to deal with barriers.Again, although the qualitative method may have limited students from considering all possible coping strategies, students turned on internal (hard to improve themselves, work) over external assistance (eg professional help) to find solutions. This result showed a consistency in the qualitative data, because internal barriers (lack of experience, motivation, self-confidence) more than external ones ( tight labor) were cited. Finally, the moderate relationship found in this study showed that although students were able to career decision in the hospitality industry , they do not have the confidence in this field to conquer the barriers.By studying the career development processes of hospitality students, hospitality teachers will benefit from understanding how to help students cope with barriers and hospitality situated in a better position to help students with their career goals. Decreasing barriers in students' career planning will improve hospitality students control over their career behavior. A conscious choice of career, a meaningful career goal and career preparation will facilitate hospitality students commitment to their career choices and retention in the hospitality industry. Career Decision Making and Intention: a Study of Hospitality Undergraduate StudentsSummary This study focused on a sample of hospitality undergraduate students and had three main objectives: Firs t, to determine factors that affect their career-related decisions; second, to explore motivations for pursuing a hospitality career; and third, to examine whether the probability of hospitality students’ career intentions can be predicted by selected variables Self-Efficacy. This concept dominates career development theories and may be best described as â€Å"Can I do this? †. Self-efficacy serves as a mediator to motivate people to achieve a special goal, such as pursuing a career in the hospitality industry.Self-efficacy is about individuals’ belief in their ability to carry out the following five tasks: self-appraisal, vocational information gathering, plans for the future, problem solving, and goal selection. Performing these five tasks is essential to achieve career maturity. Outcome Expectations. This factor is an important determinant of â€Å"career interests and choice goals† and may be best described as â€Å"If I do this, what will happen? â € . Outcome expectations are both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards that career choices and goals are based on. Vocational Exploration.This factor refers to a process that an individual engages when choosing a career. This process begins with exposure to various sources of information (about one’s self, the vocational world, and alternative options) and involves activities such as (a) testing occupational preferences and interests, (b) evaluating suitability and obtaining feedback, (c) establishing career goals and overcoming barriers and obstacles, and (d) engaging in and committing to a career choice. Career Intentions. This factor is defined as â€Å"the degree to which a person has formulated conscious plans to perform or not perform some specified future behavior†.Both self-efficacy and outcome expectations are predictors of â€Å"career intentions and persistence behavior†. Three methods of data analysis were performed in this study. First, a series o f bivariate correlation analyses was conducted to test the relationships among career-related variables. Second, logistic regression analysis was performed to test the hypothesis and identify background and career-related variables that significantly predicted the probability of students’ intention to work in the hospitality industry after graduation.Third, students’ responses to one open-ended question were thematically analyzed. This question encouraged students to express their own views and opinions about pursuing careers in the hospitality industry. The authors results hold three main implications for both hospitality educators and industry. First of all, hospitality students in this study identified themselves as the most influential factor in making career decisions and also reported intrinsic rewards as more valuable outcomes or motivators for pursuing careers than extrinsic.Implications of this finding suggest that hospitality firms continue to create industry positions that promote â€Å"self-reliance,† â€Å"autonomy,† â€Å"advancement,† â€Å"opportunities for personal and professional development,† and â€Å"sense of achievement†. These researchers concluded that â€Å"money alone does not motivate a young manager† â€Å"the strongest driver of commitment is the intrinsic nature of the job,† and â€Å"one of the most important job features focuses on challenging job that offers growth opportunities†. Industry may also find our qualitative data on students’ motivations for pursuing a hospitality career valuable.Their responses matched with industry professionals’ views regarding qualifications for hospitality graduates in the 21st century, and included service attitude, flexibility, enjoy serving people, enjoy what you do, dedication, and commitment. Second, hospitality educators may find our regression analysis on factors affecting undergraduate students’ c areer intentions worthwhile when planning curriculum. For example, female students were found to show stronger intentions to work in the hospitality industry than male students. How does the material/information in the articles relate to the career development programme hat you followed at IHM? The IHM career development programme is created to prepare the student for his/her professional life after graduating IHM. By the use of several obliged tests and assignments, the student and his/her study career coach try to find out what the weaknesses and more important, strengths of the student are. Along with the before mentioned activities, the students tries to acquire skills that might help him/he in the future. Because the author of this assignment is currently a second year student, the first two years of the career development programme are examined.According to (Kuang Chuang, 2011) most of the career development programmes are designed to fit the student in a profile that companie s expect. However the turnover rate in the hospitality industry is extremely high, most of the universities do not change their programmes to decrease this high turnover rate. As mentioned before, students are bounded to several tests in order to increase their chance to receive a suitable job after graduation. The examples given in the article of the before mentioned authors, are the so called job-barriers.These barriers are events of circumstances that are part of career development difficulties of the ex-student. Examples of barriers are; inflexible working hours, poor financial compensation and the lack of growth. Students mentioned these three barriers as most important factors to leave the industry. Nowadays the industry, together with the universities, realize more and more that the students' point of view is important as well. Only fitting into a profile is not applicable anymore in the current market. Personal opinions, from students in this case, are becoming the new stand ard.The link with the IHM career development programme is that IHM tries to learn the student a range of skills that might turn out useful in any industry and not only the hospitality industry. Improving the lack of experience and motivation are also an important part of the programme. Of course fitting into a certain profile is also part of the programme, e. g. company visitations in the first year, and the expectations that derive from these visitations. Overall the article concludes that hospitality teachers will benefit from understanding how to help students with their barriers and how to give them a better position on the future market.A well chosen choice of career, a well structured goal and preparation will improve the chance of reaching the goals of students. The second article (Ning-Kuang Chuang and Mary Dellmann-Jenkins, 2010), tries to understand the factors that are involved in choosing a future career for students. Further objectives were if the career intentions of s tudents can be predicted by researching several variables. In accordance with the IHM programme, the articles explains the importance of self efficiency. It can be best described as; Can I do this?Part of the self efficiency are also individuals’ belief in their ability to carry out the following five tasks: self-appraisal, vocational information gathering, plans for the future, problem solving, and goal selection. Especially in the practical modules, students are constantly challenged to improve their performance and look critically towards themselves and to others. These factors are essential in achieving a mature and professional student. The focus in this part lies on the last two factors, problem solving and goal selection because these to factors can be best related to the career development programme of IHM.One of the boundaries that lies in the main question in this part of the assignment is the fact that all the articles should relate to the career development progra mme. However, the entire educational programme of IHM focuses on the before mentioned factors, and therefore this part will also include information about the rest of the IHM programme. The most obvious factors in the IHM programme related to problem solving is Problem Based Learning. In short, PBL. During these sessions students are trained in solving real life problems, that might also occur in the careers of the students contributing in a session.But PBL is in the authors opinion not only about solving problems but also about setting goals. What does a group want to achieve, will that challenge them, and why do the students want to know it? All these aspects of the IHM programme relate to this article in such a way that IHM also tries to find out why a student wants to achieve something. In the article, the students stated that money was not the only motivator in a job, but the intrinsic value that was found in a job gave the decisive. Especially these intrinsic values are also m entioned in the industry as most important in hiring people.Therefore the IHM educational programme is an extension of the article or the other way around. Describe in your own words how a manager of a hospitality company can use the information derived from the articles and the career development programme. What is a leader? Is a leader someone born to lead, or someone learned to lead? In earlier times especially men were considered leader that were born. There gender and background gave them the status that was expected and necessary to lead. In those days, most of the leaders were autocratic leaders, not much or little attention was given to the human aspects of leading.According to (Judi Brownell, 2010), the ‘great man' concept was the way to look at leaders. Nowadays leaders are considered transformational, they change according to what is needed to lead successful. The next step is the servant leadership style in which the leader seeks to support and empower followers. T he implications are considerable for the hospitality industry, since it is based on the concept of leadership through service. In the current market there is a need for trustworthy leaders who lead with integrity. Care about employees and the environment are considered more and more important.Keywords are trust and respect, however motives of leaders are, or are becoming questionable, and more often employees are stressed, disillusioned and disengaged. Is the personality of the leader the key factor in success? Or can a leader be trained to be a leader as mentioned before? Servant leadership might be the new success, but I have my doubts about the ‘new' element in this case. The hospitality industry has always been an industry were not the employees, but the guests and their expectations were considered most important.Employees in this industry have always been servants of guests. In my opinion is a good leader in a hospitality company, a trustworthy, respectable and integer p erson. One that has feeling with his company and his employees in order to let the guest feel at home and treated as such. Quality increases when employees feel respected and valued. While both servant and transformational leaders seek to empower employees, servant leadership adds an personal aspect to the business beyond what is normally found in transformational leadership.According to (Titus Oshagbemi, 2008), t would be useful to know what personal characteristics, such as age, and gender have on leadership which is based on some suggested principles. For example, how do older and younger top-level and lower-level organisational leaders differ in their leadership activities? Older workers are considered more calm and understated, they tend to cooperate and delegate more work compared to their younger employees. Also these older workers show a greater degree of empathy and care for their colleagues, they work to develop and promote others instead of themselves.According to my opin ion all this theory is important but not essential. Of course a leader can be trained in more or less disciplines of the hospitality business. But overall a leader is born, a leader has a natural feeling of what he/she has to do in order to make his employees do what he/she wants without being questioned. In addition to this most important factors a good leader, let his/her employees feel valued and respected. I think a hospitality leader is a leader that can deal with all sorts of problems. The most important information in these two articles is the information about the servant leadership.This kind of leadership should, in my opinion, almost be natural in a hospitality company. It doesn't maybe give direct rewards or benefits, but it would increase the quality of a lot of companies. A leader is in every way a role model, not only business wise but also personal wise. When answering the main question, for a hospitality manager without the natural leadership ability, I would recomme nd to turn the entire process around. Try to find out what you would like to experience when visiting your own company. How should the staff treat you, how should the overall feeling be?Explore what being a leader is about? According to these articles there are different ways to achieve a successful company. In addition to these articles, a manager should learn how to develop him/herself, the career development programme gives lot of opportunities to do so. By the hand of e. g. a Belbin Teamroletest or a Core Quality Quadrant, a manager might come up with ways to improve his leadership capabilities. But in my opinion, a manager hopefully already owns this kind of knowledge about him/herself, and should not have to rely on a university programme.Describe in your own words the importance of self management, personal leadership and career development for your personal professional development as a manager. Self management is the ability to lead a group without being constantly supervis ed or controlled. Little is actually known about the pro's and con's of self management, on the one hand it is a positive factor that individual peers can form an autonomous group, with self control. A group that makes it own decisions and is responsible for its performance. Skills like: leadership, cooperation and team-building can be learned.On the other hand, one might say that conflicts easily occur within a group, these conflicts might decrease the overall performance in this group. Conflicts are caused by a bad designed group, a group without clear agreements and without a clear structure. In this case the self management in my own personal professional development as a manager is the main issue. E. g. is the experience I gained at IHM with self managed groups. Especially in module assignments, teamwork is at the essence. Placed most of the time in a random group, it is just luck whether you are placed in a productive group, or not.Of course there are the workshops about cultu ral differences, effective teamwork and communication skills, but these workshops do not contribute to the basic of these groups. A group consists out of 4 peers, 2 peers are contributing and obviously 1 or 2 are not. This is the problem that, in my opinion, comes forward in any group. Answering the before mentioned main subject, self management is extremely important, if carried out correctly. Students at IHM, might get the feeling that there are always negative aspects in a group process. This is a negative aspect in the self managing atmosphere of IHM.However I believe that if carried out correctly and if just slightly supervised, the before mentioned, negative peers get the feeling that they also have to work in order to reach the set objectives. So concluded I would say that self management is important when becoming a future manager but it should be learned correctly in order to succeed. Secondly I will explain my vision on personal leadership in my personal professional devel opment as a manager. As mentioned earlier in this assignment, I think leaders are born instead of taught. I realize that in the current, international market, this vision is to black and white.I understand the importance of knowing the theory behind leading and the ability to perform according to the theory. In addition I will specify the †manager† part in the earlier mentioned statement. At IHM we are becoming future hospitality managers. In my opinion hospitality managers should have a common feeling of what a guest actually wants. The basic should be right in order to successfully create a future manager. Besides all the business, marketing and HRM knowledge, the basic should be right. Therefore I think that just a percentage of all the IHM graduates will become successful future hospitality managers.This might also be a reason for the high turnover in the industry, however this will not be examined further in this assignment. Self management will however remain one o f the most important factors in our future jobs, because of the increasing globalization and the changing nature of the hospitality industry. Finally this part of the assignment will focus on the career development part in becoming a manager. In my opinion standing still is †¦ Especially in the current modern business market, every single individual has to keep improving whenever the possibilities are present.Improving does not only relate to performing better, but also on the before mentioned fact of dealing with problems, the so called barriers. These barriers will not only come up when being a manager, but will cross the paths of current IHM students as well. Therefore I would like to explain the importance of career development by using the example of the students, becoming managers. I think one of the most important factors in career development is to turn the barriers into something positive. Learn from the difficulties that will sooner or later arise. Together with this barrier dealing issue, the performing part is the other main aspect.I think it is wise for managers in any industry to improve their overall performance constantly. Not only from learning theory, but from learning the industry as well. Explore what, related to the hospitality industry, your guests want and how their needs change. What are the trends and how will you use these in your advantage? Write a reflection of what you have learned from this replacement assignment, and how this can help you to make the right career decisions for you. At first, I have to be honest, I thought of this assignment as just the next of many others.The same aspects of the career development programme highlighted again. Until the moment that I started searching for articles. I realized that there was a lot to learn about these kind of programmes. Information that I had never seen before. Useful research that had been done concerning real life students' †problems†. In the last part of this r eplacement assignment I will focus on the 3 factors mentioned in the part above. Self management As mentioned earlier in this assignment I consider the luck factor in a designated module assignment group as a negative aspect. But maybe I should consider this barrier as a positive factor.I will help my fellow peers to gain a feeling with a project, try to guide them trough the available theory and set up clear rules and agreements. This might be a positive influence in a group. These steps will improve the group process and eventually the overall performance. Therefore I consider this a right decision in my upcoming career. Personal leadership I always have, and still do, consider myself as a leader type of person. This comes forward out of my personal experiences. E. g. I have been the chairman of several commissions, part of the largest student hockey club in the Netherlands.And I used to be the captain of my team. One of my strong points is that I can understand the position of ot her people in situations, I always try to listen carefully, not only to what people are telling me, but also what they don't. During my first two years at IHM, especially my practical module points and PBL points, underline this personal skill. Positive feedback from PBL coordinators and fellow peers also prove this. Currently my objective is to get a internship at the famous Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam. During my third year at IHM I will focus more on what is expected from me if I want to get the internship.Together with the Industrial Placement Office, I will try to make the right decisions in this step of my career as well. Career development After making this assignment I think I will consider the career development programme of IHM as a useful part of the education, instead of a less interesting way to receive credits. I think it would be good to make these kind of assignments part of the career development programme, because it offers a lot of information to students that they o therwise wouldn't have seen at all. It also gives students the opportunity to broaden their horizon bout career development, further than the basic assignments, in my opinion, for the portfolio do. The assignments given in the first 2 years of the education give not really a in depth view of the benefits the programme has. Conclusion Finally I want to conclude that however I didn't like the assignment at first, I realize that it will contribute to my career development programme in a positive way. After reading all the information in the articles, my look on the programme changed. It became clear to me that it is a way of preparing you for your upcoming professional life, however at first I might not seem that way.I read more about self management, career development and personal leadership in one week than in the rest of the two years together, and learned a lot. Literature list 1. Ning-Kuang Chuang. (2011). Job-Related Barriers and Coping Behaviors in the Career Development of Hos pitality Undergraduates . Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism. 14-32. DOI: 10. 1080/15332845. 2010. 500183 2. Ning-Kuang Chuang and Mary Dellmann-Jenkins. (2011). Career Decision Making and Intention: a Study of Hospitality Undergraduate Students. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 2010 34: 512 originally published online 19-05-2010.DOI: 10. 1177/1096348010370867 3. Judi Brownell. (2011). Leadership in the Service of Hospitality. AUGUST 2010 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 363. Volume 51, Issue 3 363-378. DOI: 10. 1177/1938965510368651 4. George W. Langfred. (2007). THE DOWNSIDE OF SELF-MANAGEMENT. Academy of Management Journal 2007, Vol. 50, No. 4, 885–900. 5. Titus Oshagbemi. (2008). The impact of personal and organisational variables on the leadership styles of managers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 19, No. 10, October 2008, 1896–1910.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Difference Between a Weak and Strong Verb

The Difference Between a Weak and Strong Verb The distinction between a weak verb and a strong verb is based on how the past tense of the verb is formed. Weak verbs (more commonly called regular verbs) form the past tense by adding -ed, -d, or -t to the base form- or present tense- of the verb, such as call, called and walk, walked. Strong verbs (usually called irregular verbs) form the past tense or the past participle (or both) in various ways but most often by changing the vowel of the present tense form, such as to give, gave and stick, stuck. Strong vs. Weak In Garners Modern American Usage, author Bryan Garner explains the difference between a week and strong verbs: Irregular verbs are sometimes called strong verbs because they seem to form the past tense from their own resources, without calling a The term strong has been inherited from Old English grammar, and many of todays irregular forms are descendants of common Old English verbs. Although fewer than 200 modern English verbs are strong, these irregulars- most of which are just one syllable in length- are among the most common in the language. Examples of Weak Verbs With week verbs, the stem vowel does not change in the past or past participle tense. Take the word walk, for example. The past and past participle of this verb would be walked because the stem vowel does not change. Another example would be work, where the verb becomes worked in the past and past participle. Other examples of the week, or regular, verbs would be as follows, where the verb is listed on the left with the past/past participle on the right: Add addedBeg beggedCall calledDamage damagedEarn earnedMark markedTaste tastedYell yelled The past tense or past participle of these verbs looks roughly the same as the present tense because, as noted, the stem vowel does not change. Strong Verbs Examples By contrast, strong verbs generally do have a change in the stem vowel in the past or past participle. For example, the past tense and past participle of bringing is brought. At other times, the stem vowel in a strong verb might change in the past tense but not in the past participle, such as arise, which becomes arose in the past tense but arisen in the past participle (as in he has arisen.) Other examples of strong verbs would be: Blow blew (past tense), blown (past participle)Break broke (past tense), broken (past participle)Do did (past tense), done (past participle)Feed fed (past tense and past particle)Lie (down) lay (past tense), lain (past participle)Speak spoke (past tense), spoken (past participle) As you can see, there is no hard-and-fast rule for determining if a verb is a week or strong. Since there are fewer than 200 strong verbs in English, the best method is to memorize their use in the past and past participle.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Should I Go to One of the Big 10 Schools

Should I Go to One of the Big 10 Schools SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The Big Ten is one of the most prestigious intercollegiate athletic conferences in the country. It has 14 member schools, most of which are located in the Midwest. While they’re all unique, Big 10schools have many commonalities and are known for emphasizing both athletics and academics. In this article, I’ll do the following: Give you the names of all of the Big Ten universitiesand provide information about each school Describe the attributes of Big Ten colleges Detail possible advantages and disadvantages of attending a Big Ten school Explain how to decide if you should attend one of the Big Ten schools What Is the Big 10? The Big 10 is one of the premier intercollegiate athletic conferences in the country.All of its member institutions are NCAA Division I schools with FBS programs.The Big Ten sponsors 28 official sports, 14 for men and 14 for women.Big Ten schools compete in a total of 42 sports, and they have combined to win more than 450 team and 1800 individual national championships. Confusingly, even though there were 10 schools in the Big Tenfor much of its history, now there are 14 schools that are part of the Big 10. TheBig Ten includes the following colleges: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Indiana University Bloomington University of Iowa University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of Michigan Michigan State University University of Maryland, College Park, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Northwestern University The Ohio State University Penn State University Purdue University Rutgers University University of Wisconsin-Madison Northwestern is the only private college in the Big 10. The other schools are large publicuniversities.Maryland and Rutgers are the most recent additions to the Big Ten. They’re also the only east coast schools in the Big Ten. Rutgers is in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The rest of the Big Ten schools are in the Midwest. Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. What Makes Big 10Colleges Unique? Big Ten schools offer big-time athletics at well-regarded academic institutions.Most of the Big Ten schools are in spirited college towns. The surrounding population proudly supports the school. The students, alumni, and residents of the area are generally big fans of the athletic teams and are eager to show their school pride. With the exception of Northwestern, these are among the largest schools in their respective states and some of the biggest schools in the country. Comparing Big Ten Schools I created a table with the undergraduate enrollments, average standardized test scores, and the acceptance rates of the Big Ten universities.Penn State has the largest undergraduate enrollment at almost 46,000. Northwestern has the smallest at 8,278. Also,Northwestern is the most selective school with an acceptance rate of only 15%. The schools are listed in order of their acceptance rates. School Location Undergraduate Enrollment Average SAT Score Average ACT Score Acceptance Rate Northwestern University Evanston, IL 8,278 1490 33 9% University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 28,921 1415 31 29% University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 35,433 1360 29 50% University of Maryland College Park, MD 29,868 1380 30 44% University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 32,196 1390 30 49% The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 45,946 1350 30 54% Penn State University University Park, PA 40,835 1250 28 51% Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 35,641 1300 28 57% Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 31,006 1290 29 57% University of Illinois Champaign, IL 33,955 1380 30 62% Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 38,996 1220 26 72% University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 20,954 1230 25 64% Indiana University Bloomington, IN 33,429 1250 28 76% University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 24,503 1240 26 86% Possible Advantages and Disadvantages of Attending a Big Ten School Even though most of the Big Ten schools are large public universities in the Midwest, it’s difficult to generalize all Big Ten schools. For example, the environments at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Rutgers are quite different. Lincoln, Nebraska and New Brunswick, New Jersey are in different regions of the country. The demographics of their student bodies are strikingly different. Rutgers is 43% white while UNL is 78% white. Furthermore, 83% of Rutgers students come from New Jersey while 77% of UNL students come from Nebraska. At UNL, there are nine majors related to agriculture. At Rutgers, there is only one. The strengths, weaknesses, majors offered, locations, acceptance rates, and student bodies vary for each Big Ten school.However, you can make some generalizations about the pros and cons of attending a Big Ten school. Pros of Big Ten Schools Here are some of the biggest advantages of attending a Big Ten institution. School Spirit Big Ten schools offer very spirited environments. Most students who attend a Big Ten school seem to love their college. You can’t walk around campus or go to an off-campus bar or restaurant without seeing the college colors everywhere. During my multiple visits tothe University of Illinois, I saw thousands of students wearing orange and blue and many shops selling University of Illinois apparel and souvenirs. When I was in college competing for the gymnastics team at Stanford, we went to the University of Nebraska for NCAA Championships during my freshman year. I remember being at an off-campus Subway and seeing posters for the women’s volleyball and gymnastics teams at Nebraska on the wall.Sadly, I never saw a Stanford men’s gymnastics team poster in Palo Alto while I was at Stanford. Big-Time Football The Big Ten is one of the top football conferences in America.College football is ridiculously popular, and the Big Ten is one of the most prestigious football conferences in the country. On game days at UNL, the number of people inside of the football stadium would make it the third largest city in Nebraska.Four of the football stadiums in the Big Ten are among the 17 largest football stadiums in the country. A few years ago, I went to a college football game at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for its homecoming game. Wisconsin wasn’t playing a particularly good team, but the stadium was completely full, and people came from all over the state and country to attend and support the Badgers. There was more enthusiasm and energy there than at the handful of NFL games I've attended. Big-Time Academics Big Ten Schools are well-regarded academically.Northwestern is ranked as the #12 National University by US News.The other Big Ten schools are considered to be some of the best public universities in the country.US News ranks the University of Michigan as the #4 public university (#27 National University), University of Illinois and the University of Wisconsin are ranked in the top 15, and many others are ranked highly as well. They Offer the Benefits of Large Universities Outside of Northwestern, Big Ten schools are all large public universities, so they offer all of the advantages of attending a large state school.They offer a wider variety of degrees and programs than smaller colleges.At Penn State, there are more than 160 different possible majors. For comparison, at Amherst College, one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country, there are only 38 different majors. At the University of Iowa, there are unique, specialized majors like actuarial science, rhetoric and composition, athletic training, and music therapy.At the University of Minnesota, you can major in construction management or apparel and textiles. Also, there are a wide variety of extracurricular activities.Because of the quantity of students at these schools, there are tons of student organizations, clubs, and fraternities and sororities.At the University of Maryland, there are 72 Greek organizations and 61 cultural organizations, including the Argentine Tango Club, the NAACP, the Pride Alliance, and the Vietnamese Student Association. At Johns Hopkins, a private college in Maryland, there are only 23 Greek organizations. Because public colleges are subsidized by state governments, the cost of attendance for in-state residents is lower.The tuition and mandatory fees for a Michigan resident at Michigan State University are $14,552, and they're $39,827 for an out-of-state student. At Northwestern, the lone private college in the Big Ten, tuition and fees are $56,232 annually. However, Northwestern does meet 100% of demonstrated financial need and provides generousfinancial aid packages. Tracy O/Flickr Cons While there are many advantages of attending a Big Ten school, there are some potential disadvantages. Not Geographically Diverse Because Big Ten schools are all state schools (with the exception of Northwestern), the majority of students are in-state residents. At private colleges, you can usually meet a greater percentage of out-of-state and international students. At private colleges, the cost of attendance is the same for in-state and out-of-state students, and many private colleges emphasize geographic diversity in their admissions and recruiting. For example, atRutgers, 83% of students are from New Jersey. Meanwhile, at Princeton, a private Ivy League school also in New Jersey, only 19% of students are from New Jersey. Part of the education process in college is about learning from your peers, and you can gain a different perspective and a better understanding of others if you’re surrounded by more people from different states and countries. Large Class Sizes Due to the size of most of the Big Ten schools, students often have to take lecture classes with hundreds of students, especially in introductory courses.At Ohio State University, the student-faculty ratio is 19:1 and 22% of classes have 50 or more students. At Kenyon College, a liberal arts college in Ohio, the student-faculty ratio is 10:1 and only 0.7% of classes have 50 or more students.Many students learn better in smaller classes where there is more interaction, and students can more easily ask the professor questions. Not Located in Urban Areas Many Big Ten schools are in college towns that are somewhat removed from urban environments and all they have to offer.I remember driving to Penn State and there didn’t seem to be any sign of civilization for two hours in any direction. Similarly, when I got off the plane in Champaign, IL for my recruiting trip to the University of Illinois, I saw corn fields and realized I was very far from LA. While other big ten schools aren't as rural as Penn State or U of I, most are located in smaller cities. Some notable exceptions are the University of Minnesota, which is located in Minneapolis, Northwestern (which seems to be the exception to all Big Ten generalizations), which is close to Chicago, Rutgers, which is close to New York City, Ohio State University, which is in Columbus, and the University of Maryland, which is close to DC. For most other Big 10 schools you're within an hour or two of a decently-sized city, but if you're hoping for urban life right on your doorstep, you may be disappointed. The Weather All of the Big Ten schools are in areas with relatively harsh winters. While the weather shouldn’t be the most important factor for you in choosing a college, some students enjoy attending a college in a temperate climate with year-round sunshine and 70 degree temperatures in the winter.If you’re from Florida or California, you’ll probably have to get some actual winter clothing before attending a Big Ten school. How To Decide if You Should Attend a Big Ten School If you're trying to decide whether or not to attend a Big Ten school, go through the same process you should go through when deciding which colleges to apply to and which one to attend.Decide the factors that are important to you in a college. Think about the location, selectivity, size, and the majors offered at the school, and determine how much each factor matters to you. Look at the school’s website, and use guidebooks, college finders, search websites, and ranking lists to help you in the college selection process. If possible, consult with teachers, parents, counselors, current students, and alumni.If finances are a big concern for you, wait until you receive your financial aid packages from the schools that accept you to determine what your out-of-pocket expenses will be for each school. Personally, I think that I would have really enjoyed attending a Big Ten school. When I was at Ohio State, Penn State, the University of Illinois, Nebraska, and the University of Wisconsin (those are the only Big Ten schools I’ve been able to visit), I was so impressed by and attracted to the spirited on-campus environments and the uniqueness of attending a school in a real college town. However, some students prefer the environment at a small college, or they don’t want to be at a school that places so much emphasis on athletics. If you're interested in colleges that are similar to Big Ten schools in offering big-time athletics and quality academics at a large public university in a college town, you may also be interested in the University of Texas-Austin, Texas AM, the University of Florida, or the University of California-Berkeley. If you would like to attend a private college that offers big-time athletics and quality academics, then Northwestern, USC, Stanford, Duke, and the University of Notre Dame may be good options for you. It’s important to find the school that best fits your personality and has the resources and environment that will best allow you to thrive and reach your academic and professional goals. What's Next? To help you figure out what you're looking for in a school, learn how to do college research. Also, read this article about whether you should go to a rural, urban, or suburban college. Finally, if you're looking for a diverse college, check out this post about the most diverse colleges in the country. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hitler and the collapse of Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hitler and the collapse of Germany - Essay Example The first four years of its existence, 1919-23 were surrounded by instability and chaos due to a number of reasons. The signing of the treaty of Versailles in June 1919 led to the state being ‘robbed’ of its assets by its Western Counterparts. The German people viewed it as not only the handing over of their land and industrial resources but of their pride and honor as well. This is why many people never came to fully accept the Weimar Republic. From the very beginning, the Weimar Republic faced a number of problems which included tough political opposition, from the left and the right of Weimar itself, economic instability, hostility from the western Allies, and ever increasing inflation. The Republic was under constant threat from political opponents, left, right and center, like the communist leaders Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht. There were uprisings in various parts of Germany, attempts to take over Berlin and about 376 political murders. These rebellious attacks continued until November 1923, when they came to a halt with the failed â€Å"beer hall putsch† attempt by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. Another reason why the Weimar Republic failed was that it was a democratic system and Weimar Germany had been given a purely democratic constitution. But Germany had never been a democratic state and the entire concept was new for it. Also, the general population itself had little trust in the government and the people were disappointed and shattered after Germany’s fall in the World War One. But one of the most serious problems that Germany had to face during those times was the brutal economic conditions. The cost of war was heavy on the state and it had to give up 6.600 million as compensations and damages to the Western Allies. It lost vital portions of land under the treaty of